How we help Families?

There are various ways we help, but at Dynamic Support, we kindly open our doors to every family type such as:
Young women
Elderly woman
Single mum
Married woman
Dynamic Support will provide you with necessary information and signpost our service users to the right company for solutions through divers’ social plans.
Like Domestic violence, we organise talk around the table to allow victim to share their experience, to speak loudly what they cannot say when they are on their own, and we seek help from experts!!!! Our aim is to reach far more our sisters who are still living under cages and make their life shine. Again.
Food donation, we give food parcel that we receive from Tesco, Food Share to families who are in less income, also those who need it most, Dynamic aim is to stop hunger within our community, and no child, no family should lack milk, either rice in his house.
Woman Health educational, we help women/girls with healthy food preparation, nutrition to feel good, also with mental health education through exercise and workout, dance, workshop with professional; we support families with physical visits to private homes, home care, and we pray with them, strengthen them and give them hope!
Our goal is to reassure them that they are not alone on their journey, to reach out and commute with the most vulnerable and give them joy again.
Recommendation for support, our duty is to make service users feel at home and welcome; our network panel is to expand our work with the aim to help family have their stolen happy lives back.
Our goal: is to connect more women with other sister organisations more than ever before, by working together to tackle difficulties that many families face even in Africa!